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Equal Opportunities Policy

The Ousden Village Hall Management Committee wholeheartedly supports a policy of equal
opportunities in all areas of our work and responsibilities.
Although not acting as an employer at present, we aim to ensure that we will promote equality of
opportunity through all our activities. The principle of Equal Opportunities will apply to recruitment,
training, facilities, procedures and all terms and conditions of employment. The policy will be
regularly reviewed.

This policy has been produced to provide guidance which will enable the trustees, committees, staff,
volunteers, members and service users of Ousden Village Hall to comply with anti-discrimination
legislation. Failure to follow the procedures in this policy may lead to appropriate action.

The Equality Act (2010) describes discrimination as a situation where a person is treated less
favourably on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital and
civil partnership status, sexual orientation, age, physical, sensory or learning disability, gender
reassignment, religion and belief, pregnancy and maternity. We will not discriminate against people
because of mental health, caring responsibilities, class, HIV status, employment status, unrelated
criminal convictions or union activities.

We aim to create an environment free from victimisation and harassment and discrimination.
Trustees and staff together with volunteers, members and service users will all be made aware of
this policy and encouraged to challenge discrimination where and whenever it arises.
Responsibility for implementation of the above rests with the trustees and is delegated to other
members of the committee. Any behaviour contrary to this policy will be referred back to and dealt
with by the Chairperson.

Our equality principles are those of promoting accessibility, valuing cultural diversity, promoting
participation, promoting equality of opportunity and promoting inclusive communities in order to
reduce disadvantage and exclusion.

Diversity Statement
We will actively encourage diversity to maximise achievement, creativity and good practice and to
bring benefit to individuals and the community in Ousden. We will encourage all people working
with us to contribute to an environment in which people feel comfortable expressing how they feel
and what they need, knowing they will be treated with respect and that their contribution will be
valued. The Committee will endeavour to deliver services in a way that genuinely recognises the
importance of an inclusive society that brings opportunities and access, not barriers to individuals.
Monitoring and reviewing of this policy will be undertaken annually and minuted at annual
committee meetings.

This policy is subject to annual review and update as required when necessary.

Last reviewed & published Jan 2024