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Ethics Policy

We are committed to:

  • Acting honestly, truthfully and with integrity in all our transactions and dealings
  • Avoiding conflicts of interest
  • Appropriately handling actual or apparent conflicts of interest in our relationships
  • Treating every individual with dignity and respect
  • Treating our Trustees and volunteers with respect and fairness and providing conditions that safeguard their rights and welfare
  • Complying with both spirit and the letter of the law; including the data protection act, money laundering rules, the bribery act; and the Charity Commission including guidance on terrorism and political activity
  • Acting responsibly toward the community in which we work and for the benefit of the communities that we serve
  • Being responsible, transparent and accountable for all of our actions.

Fundraising Activities

We actively seek opportunities to work together with external organisations and individuals. However, it is vital that we maintain our independence and do not allow any external partnership to bring our name or reputation into disrepute.
Ousden Village Hall and Playing Fields accepts financial support from and works in partnership with companies and individuals on the following conditions:

  • There are strong grounds for believing it will result in a benefit to the charity and its service users
  • The Trustees are satisfied that no adverse publicity will result from accepting such support
  • There is no attempt on the past of any company or individual to influence trust policy or actions explicitly or implicitly
  • That initiatives do not compromise the independent status of the trust
  • That no individual or group of service users are exploited either directly or indirectly by the fundraising activity
  • Ousden Village Hall and Playing Fields do not endorse or approve products and services of any company that will not promote any products or services knowingly linked with anything irrelevant to or in opposition of its ethics and/ or charter
  • Ousden Village Hall and Playing Fields will not share access to our database, client information or beneficiaries

Acceptance Criteria: When deciding to accept any particular donation, the Chairperson and Trustees have a duty to demonstrate that they have acted in the best interests of the charity and that the association with any particular
donor does not compromise the Charity’s ethical position, harm its reputation or put future funding at risk.

Monitoring and Whistleblowing

All committee members, trustees, volunteers and hall users are required to adhere to the Ethics Policy.
Reporting of any breaches of the Ethics Policy is encouraged and named individuals have overall responsibility for receiving referrals where necessary. Policies and procedures will be subject to review or be updated when
circumstances or regulations change.

This policy is subject to annual review and update as required when necessary.

Last reviewed & published Jan 2024